November 7-8, 2024 Hangzhou, China

2nd Annual BuildSys 2024 Int’l Workshop on Cyber-Physical-Social Infrastructure Systems (CPSIS)

The BuildSys CPSIS’23 Workshop brings together researchers and industry practitioners to explore the development and advancement of cyber-physical-social infrastructure systems capable of explicitly enhancing social (i.e., human-centered) benefits of the built environment.

Call for papers:

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) have radically transformed engineering solutions over the last decade and garnered considerable attention, improving infrastructure performance through the combination of sensing, computing, and control. CPS has even expanded to include human-in-the-loop control, where humans serve as operators or supervisors. While these paradigms have been wildly successful for the design and operation of physical systems decoupled from—or weakly coupled to—human social contexts, it is limiting to study physical systems in a vacuum, that is, without explicitly accounting for their interactions with the social systems they are designed to serve. This traditional approach has left many promising applications of CPS to human-oriented systems—or cyber-physical-social infrastructure systems (CPSIS)—completely untouched and exacerbated inequities in community infrastructure. There are entirely unexplored social benefits derived from the built environment that have yet to be scientifically understood and exploited. This workshop focuses on showcasing advances in the theory and tools used to support CPSIS, which promise the design, management, and control of physical spaces and the built environment in ways that explicitly and measurably account for human interaction, contribute to social objectives (e.g., productivity, sociability, co-design and collaboration, well-being, accessibility), and determine whether social capital develops. Here, the social context from which CPSIS emerges is a top priority, meaning that—by design—responsible sensing technologies and approaches should be developed and implemented to prioritize user privacy.

The workshop, which will be co-located with ACM BuildSys 2024, is soliciting submissions that explore the scientific understanding of CPSIS as is relates to human-centered sensing, support of social objectives, and cultivation of social capital.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

– Challenges, opportunities, and applications of CPSIS including, but not limited to, education, healthcare, well-being, accessibility, co-design and collaboration, public and urban infrastructure, built environment
– Data-driven (1) agent-based modeling, (2) cognitive and behavioral modeling, and (3) social dynamics modeling in the built environment
– Sensing, modeling, analysis, and control of integrated and human-centered CPSIS
– Integration of human or community constraints and/or challenges within CPSIS
– Methodologies for the measurement and quantification of human-human and human-infrastructure interactions and social benefits derived from the built environment
– Security, privacy, and ethics in CPSIS

Paper Types:

The workshop is soliciting original notes and papers for proceedings publication and oral presentation (3-8 pages). In addition to full papers, shorter notes meeting the page requirements are encouraged to (1) support younger researchers and research teams entering this field of research to share their work, (2) attract industry participants that may not be able to devote resources to a full paper, and (3) attract novel and multidisciplinary research topics that are not yet fully developed and that can catalyze discussion among the workshop attendees and readers. While Notes papers are not expected to have extensive evaluations, they will be reviewed based on the novelty of their ideas, potential for impact, and quality of presentation.

Important Dates:

  • Submission deadline: TBD, 2024 (11:59:59pm AOE)

  • Notifications: TBD, 2024 (11:59:59pm AOE)

  • Camera-ready submission: TBD, 2024 (11:59:59pm AOE)

  • Workshop: November 7 or 8, 2024 (TBD)

Submission Guidelines:

Submitted papers must be unpublished and must not be currently under review for any other publication. Paper submissions must be between 3-8 single-spaced US Letter (8.5"x11") pages, including including figures, tables, references, and appendices. All submissions must use the LaTeX (preferred) or Word styles found here. Latex submissions should use the ‘sigconf’ document class. Authors must make a good faith effort to anonymize their submissions by (1) using the "anonymous" option for the class and (2) using "anonsuppress" section where appropriate. Please note that ACM uses 9-pt fonts in all conference proceedings, and the style (both LaTeX and Word) implicitly define the font size to be 9-pt. Please refer to this former publication chair's Note as well as the User Guide of the new class. Accepted submissions will be available on the ACM digital library on the first day of the conference. All papers must be in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF).

General Chair:

Katherine Flanigan (Dept. of Civil and Env. Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University)

Technical Program Committee:

Technical Program Committee members to be announced shortly.

Registration and Travel Grants:

For information about registration and travel grants, please refer to BuildSys Registration.

Workshop Agenda:

More details will be provided as the workshop approaches.

10:20 - 10:30am Opening Remarks: Workshop Chair

10:30 - 11:20am Keynote 1

11:20 - 11:25am Break

11:25am - 12:05pm Session 1

12:05 - 12:20pm Session 1 Panel

12:20 - 12:45pm Breakout Groups

12:45 - 1:45pm Lunch

1:45 - 2:15pm Session 2

2:15-2:30pm Session 2 Panel

2:30 - 2:55pm Breakout Groups

2:55 - 3:15pm Break

3:15 - 4:05pm Keynote 2

4:05 - 4:45pm Session 3

4:45 - 5:00pm Session 3 Panel

5:00 - 5:20pm Break

5:20 - 5:50pm Breakout Groups

5:50 - 6:00pm Closing Remarks (Workshop Chair)

6:30pm Dinner